Friday, January 30, 2009

First Post

I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile now but have put it off for a variety of reasons--well, ok, really just one: I'm lazy. Plus, I thought, "Will you have enought stuff to write about?" Of course, the answer is "yes", which means that I'm just lazy. I don't like to feel lazy so I figured I better get on the ball. The reason the blog starts today is to commemorate the birth of my second niece, Annie Elizabeth, who was born earlier this morning. So there are actually two births today. I'm very excited and happy for my baby sister Shelley and her husband Jake. What a life they have now with two young girls. It's so much fun to go home and visit now there are little kids running around. For years, it was just Mom, Dad, my sisters, and brothers-in-law and after a few years it got really boring drinking too much and telling the same stories over and over and over. Now we have Parker and Annie to focus our attention on and talk baby talk, and we go to bed early (except for Jon and Dad who still like to drink too much).

Tonight Chris and I are going to our favorite Friday night hangout--J.Alexander's. They have absolutely the best prime rib in town. We haven't been there yet in 2009 so I'm very excited and salivating while I type this. Brian, our favorite waiter, sent Chris a facebook message last night saying he missed us. So it should be extra fun. I might even have a glass of wine to celebrate Annie--welcome to the world, babygirl!