Monday, March 23, 2009

Office of Communication

By popular demand I've been asked to post more on this blog. Other than putting a link on my facebook profile I didn't tell anyone I was making the thing and yet, in the last week, I've had three friends tell me that they enjoyed reading it (You read my blog? I asked in disbelief. Shout out to you S.S. Titiania, my old improv friend from Drama Class in High School!) It's a great feeling to think that people are reading the bullshit you write and then ask for more!

I love my job title and feel like it's more than just a career position. Much more like a judge or something. Just like my great-uncle, who was a judge, was called Judge Joe years after his retirement, I think people will refer to me by my title for the rest of my life. "Hey there, Communication Specialist Dub!"

More communications to come soon...

UPDATE: A correction: it won't be my formal title Communication Specialist Dub that I'll be addressed as for the rest of my life, but rather Communication Specialist Mr. Lee. Thanks for reminding me how I prefer the formal. What was I thinking?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I wonder what this sign in the window means? Is it a riddle of some sort? Just WHO exactly are they trying to keep out???